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[dt_list_item image=”https://dljm.com.do/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/tel.png”]809 567 9773[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item image=”https://dljm.com.do/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/mail1.png”]d.jorge@dljm.com.do[/dt_list_item]



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[dt_list_item]Lawyer in Right, Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Maestra (PUCMM), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1994.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Alternative Dispute Resolution, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2003).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]International masters in Right and Relations, Independent University of Santo Domingo, (UASD), (2004-2006).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]The Dominican Family in Law and French, Universidad Iberoamericana (2006)[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Qualified in special proceedings before the Family Court, Constitutional Law and Community Foundation. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (May-June 2008).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Qualified in Domestic Violence Cases Board Help Battered Women (PACAM, 2013).[/dt_list_item]


[dt_list style=”1″ dividers=”false”][dt_list_item]English and Spanish [/dt_list_item][/dt_list]


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[dt_list_item]School of Lawyers of the Dominican Republic (from 1994)[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]International Academy of Married Lawyers (from 2007)[/dt_list_item][/dt_list]


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[dt_list_item]Lawyer Manager. Office of Lawyers “Dilia Mere Leticia Jorge”, from 2010.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Consultant for Plan Dominican, coordinating Republic of the campañana Aprender Without Fear (2008-2009).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Associate counsel. Office of Lawyers “Jorge Mera & Villegas” (Frank Orlando Cross & R.O. Senior, S.A.), (1994-2010).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Paralegal. Office of Lawyers “Frank Orlando Cross”, Santo Domingo, D.N. (1990-1994).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Minister Consejera, Sub-Order of the Section Woman, Childhood and Adolescence of Division ONU/OEA International Organisms and Conferences, of the Secretariat of State of Outer Relations. 2001-2004.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Minister Consejera, Legal Department, Secretariat of State of Outer Relations (2004-2005).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Judge Interina of the Court of Children, Children and Adolescents of the National District (2003).[/dt_list_item][/dt_list]


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[dt_list_item]Professor of the Diplomatic and Consular School where she distributes char it on “Sexual and Commercial Operation of Children, Children and Adolescents in the Dominican Republic”, directed to the Civil servants Designated in the Outer Service (2003-2005).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Professor of the Right matter “of the People and the Family” in the Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher, Enclosure Santo Tomás de Aquino (from summer 2006).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Teacher of matter “Law” for Psycho-Social Intervention Specialization in Forensic Science at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, Recinto Santo Tomás de Aquino (2013).[/dt_list_item]


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[dt_list_item]Discussion Speaker at the “Project of the Family Code of the Dominican Republic”, organized by the Committee for Law Students of the Catholic University of Santo Domingo. Cardinal Beras Library, Catholic University of Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (April 4, 2014).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Speaker at “Coffee with the School: Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure.” National Judicial College, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (March 21, 2014).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Invited Speaker at the Symposium in The Hague, Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Buenos Aires, Argentina (September 17, 2013).[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Invited Speaker on “The process of divorce in the Dominican Republic” at the Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (U.S. and Canadian Chapter). (February 4, 2010)[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Graduated on special procedures before the Court of Family, May-June 2008. Constitutional and Straight Communitarian foundation. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]The Family in Dominican and French Right. Course distributed by the Dr. William Headrick. Latin American university (UNIBE). 2006.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Exhibitor invited in the Seminary the International “Application in the Dominican Republic of the Agreement of The Hague of 1980 on the Civil Aspects of the Subtraction the International of Juniors”, 17 and 18 of August of the 2005, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Guest to participate like expert, in representation of the Dominican Republic, Regional Consulta on Violence against the Children and Children in Latin America the days 30, 31 of May and 1ro. of June of the 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Guest to participate like observer in the meeting “United States/CARICOM Child Support Enforcement Negotiation”, besides taking advantage of with the Puerto Rican authorities the creation an agreement on the collection nourishing pensions between Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27-30 of September of the 2004.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]It mainly comprised of the Dominican delegation that attended the Commission of Human rights of the Organization of the United Nations between March and April of the 2004, like support for the participation of the country in the writing and discussion of the resolutions regarding the Rights of the Boy and the Violence against the Woman, between March and April of the 2004.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Exhibitor in the seminary “Combating Child Abuse on the Internet: How international dog response sees improved”, Wilton Park Conference, Winston House, Steyining, Great Britain, 22-24 of March of the 2004.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Exhibitor in the seminary “Agreement of The Hague on Civil Aspects of the Subtraction the International of Minors: II Encuentro de Latin American Central Autoridades”. Old, Guatemala, 27 to the 31 of October of the 2003.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“Meeting of the Americas on the Execution the International of Nutritional Pensions for Minors”, Orlando, Florida, the United States of America, 7 and 8 of August of the 2003.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Exhibitor in the “Regional Consultation for the Americas on the Protection of the Children against the Sexual Operation in the Tourism”, San jOse, Costa Rica, to be celebrated days 7 and 8 of May of the 2003.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“Combating Child Abuse on the Internet: An International Response.” Wilton Park Conference, Winston House, Steyining, Gran Bretaña, 8-10 de enero del 2003.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“IV Regional Course for the Preparation and Presentation of Information to the Committees of Supervision of International Treaties of Human rights”, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 28 of May to 5 of June of the 2003.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“Tripartite Seminary of Sub-r3egional Character on Strategies for the Prevention and Elimination of the Worse Forms of Infantile Work”, San jOse, Costa Rica, 24-25 of April of the 2002.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“Meeting of Governmental Experts on Subtraction the International of Minors on the part of one of its parents”, Montevideo, Uruguay, 12-13 of August of the 2002.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“First Consular Seminary on the Commercial Sexual Operation of Children, Children and Adolescents in the Dominican Republic, directed to the Dominican Consuls in Europe. Rome, Italy, 6-7 of November of the 2002.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]“Seminary on the Civil Aspects of the Subtraction the International of Minors”, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 27-31 of August of the 2001.[/dt_list_item]
[dt_list_item]Observer of the Dominican Republic, for a reason or purpose honorary, in the “Fourth Meeting of the Special Commission on the application of the Convention of The Hague of 1980 on Civil Aspects of the Subtraction the International of Minors”, The Hague, Holland, 22-28 of March of the 2001.[/dt_list_item]